Monday, November 06, 2006

Will return on Friday!


  1. Well. How....mysterious!

  2. He wouldn't be the man of mystery otherwise.

  3. We need to redecorate. Paint. Rearange the furniture. He'll never know what hit him.

  4. I just thought you were saving on r's.

  5. What we need to do is start some gigantic debate so that this seemingly innocuous blog entry becomes the most controversial. That would be hilarious.

    OK, I'll start. I think screenplays should be written in Arial type. (OK, I really don't, just trying to start s**t).

  6. Yeah, Arial is stoopid! We all know that Crayon-based calligraphy heiroglyphs in maroon cursive Greek Kenji skywriting on the back of soup labels is the way of the future. Oh, and in 76,001-point font, too.

  7. so...we're supposed to stay here looking at this screen until Friday?

  8. Man, damn. I heard there was a food fight! Instead all I find is a lukewarm discussion of font...

    soooo disappointing.

  9. Rose

    Pick something else to fight about then....we're all ears

  10. Carl

    That is too funny... I'm trying to imagine a script written on soupcan labels...hahaha

    Would that be like one minute per label?

  11. Oh Mickey (ur so fine, oh mickey!),

    Nah... I just wanted to throw a plate of spaghetti at someone. Maybe get some peach cobbler in my hair...


  12. Mickey,

    One minute per label on Campell's Soup, but 1.5 minutes on those big Progresso labels.

  13. It's a full moon and MM has disappeared. Hmm...maybe he reverts to something, like a werewolf...or Joe Eszterhas.

  14. Ger, you posted! Huzzah! Here's hoping we see more of you in the future.

  15. Mickey Lee - Hehehe... You bastard.

    MaryAn - they should read your blog! Death of a protag, baby! I'm going to give you a shout-out.

    Ger - A coded message for you - a certain knight knight is truly great great. Hehehe...

    Mim - I've missed you!


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