Friday, February 02, 2007

It's Create A Character Weekend!

Hehehe... As a character, I love this guy. What does he do for a living? Why is he smiling? How much money does he have? Is he dangerous?


  1. What Randy didn't know was that last night Tomcat Simpson had already gotten Paula Abdul drunk and nailed her in a three-way with Simon. He was a shoe-in for a trip to Hollywood.

  2. I think I know that guy...

  3. My apologies to Unk, but this guy looks like the Beez's older brother.

    When they were kids, their father was in jail and their mother was either working at one of her waitressing jobs or down at the local bar. The Beez's brother is named Lester, but everybody calls him Bones. He was the one who ended up taking care of The Beez most of the time.

    When the Beez got old enough to look after himself (big enough to reach the stove), Bones took off for parts unknown and showed up years later, covered with tats and full of stories.

  4. Meet Saul Vigoda (Abe's baby brother). He's as rich as he is inked. See, he and Abe opened the first chain of kosher tattoo parlors after Abe made some money on "Barney"

  5. Harvey Weinstein just hired him to pen the sequel to The Graduate. The working title is Get a Job!

  6. I always thought Tom Waits wore a rug...

  7. Olaf,

    I am not that sexy.

  8. Elliot used to be an accountant, but when he retired early, he opened up an zen center in Sedona and takes cross-country trips on his Harley every spring.

    He also owns a little gallery in LA, where they have live piercing shows from time to time.


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