Friday, March 02, 2007

Still Life

A couple more shorts and then I'm going to dive into a study on Character Development next week...

No awards with this one. I just love it. It's funny. Creepy. A great twist at the end. Love it. It's the kind of short horror film that would make our good friend, Carl Salminen, smile.



  1. It's better to pull over and sleep than take a lot of pills and keep driving.

    That was very creepy, and unexpected.

  2. "It's the kind of short horror film that would make our good friend, Carl Salminen, smile."

    You're right. That's an awesome and creepy short. Especially the scene in the house... yikes!

    I just put a new short film on my YouTube space called "Out of the Night". Just me and my friends with a camcorder and a couple of hours with nothing better to do. I don't think "quality" is a term that applies to it. A term that does apply would be: "Oh my gosh, you actually made this public?"

    Yeah. That's it.


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