Monday, May 18, 2009

Sex in Screenwriting

Hey guys,

Today, I’m breaking one of my own rules and I’m posting my two-part series on Sex in Screenwriting, as a shameless plug for my beloved
Script Magazine. This kind of no-holds-barred-blazing-new-ground analysis is what you’re missing by not having a subscription! And I will not post my magazine articles on my blog... except this once.

This is not about who showed what when. And this is not about writing a sex scene for the sake of prurient interests. This is about rising above those oh-so-clichéd scenes of two characters meeting and having mind-blowing sex. This is about how a sex scene can have so much more depth than that, a crucial dramatic element to your story.

I wrote this nearly a year ago, my first article for the magazine, which appeared in the November/December 2008 issue. I walked away from that whole experience with one key writing principle:

A sex scene is only as good as its characters.

So let’s get it on! Hehehe



Sex, Part 1
“It’s like what bad boy writer, George Bernard Shaw, once wrote, ‘A pornographic novelist is one who exploits the sexual instinct as a prostitute does. A legitimate sex novel elucidates it or brings out its poetry, tragedy, or comedy.’”

Sex, Part 2
“Horizontal vs. Vertical... Sex is also an opportunity for vertical writing in your screenplay. Maya Deren once made a distinction between drama that’s ‘horizontal’ and ‘vertical,’ and by that she means that the narrative is ‘horizontal’ and the lyric is ‘vertical.’”


  1. AnonymousMay 18, 2009

    So you wrote this nearly a year ago, and yet something spurred you to think about it again.

    Must have been listening to Green Day.

  2. [thiago]May 18, 2009

    and here i go, make me a huge cup of coffee, to start reading this monster. thanks for sharing, señor mystery.

  3. Terra - You hit the nail on the head! Hehehe...

    Thiago - Wine would seem more appropriate. Hehehe...


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