Sunday, September 16, 2007

Do you believe me now?

Okay, as promised, I’m posting the photo to prove that I am, in fact, Mystery Man, and your favorite sexy man movie-writer.

(Hey guys, will return in a couple of days.)



  1. Holy shit! That's my ex!

  2. Glad to see/hear you're okay, MM!

  3. Wow! Nice blanket!


  4. Wondering where you've been, dude.

  5. At least he's alive. Thanks a lot for making us worry like that!

    So that's what you look like, MM? Or is that what women look like when they see you?

    I'm sooooo confused.

  6. Is that a NUDE beach????

    Those randy Greeks....

  7. You can see part of a yellow bikini top on the left side there.

  8. What a cute little girl. What is she, about 16? Is that your daughter?

  9. elver - she wants to know if you've ever been in rock band.

    cross - thanks, man.

    Ger - you should've seen my speedo.

    mickey - I knew I'd get into trouble when I got back, but I can't say I regret it.

    mim - no, that's not me. I was posting that photo to prove to a certain someone nearby that I really am Mystery Man. God, I missed you. Hope you're well.

    laura - While she actually appreciates that comment, I don't mind saying that, NO, she's actually not that young at all. The angle really helped. Hehehe... Hope you're doing well, Laura. Great to hear from you.


  10. Nope. Never been in a rock band. But god dammit, she looks exactly like my ex who just spent the summer working in USA.

  11. Umm, MM, that just proves you got a picture of a girl... don't prove nuttin' 'bout YOU.

    Except that you gots good taste in girls that is...


  12. Elver - We're not thinking there's any connection here. However, I have no doubt that you're a total stud. Hehehe...

    Rose - Hey girl! SO great to hear from you! You're right, of course. I'm sure you'd like her, and there's the possibility she may be open to you, as well. Hehehe... Have you written another script yet? Send it to me.


  13. Ohhh, you bad bad man...



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