The Power of Cinema’s Images

In the vein of our discussions on Cinematic Storytelling, Write the Shots, and the Art of Visual Storytelling, I’d like to give a great big shout-out to "Space" from Bulgaria who runs the blog, [ ] or Spacest.
He writes no words. He only posts images from films. And he lifts those images from both good and bad films, from artsy to mainstream to action to drama to anime, as well as films that range anywhere between visual excess and extreme minimalism. You'll also see a lot of foreign and domestic films, too. (Except he's in Bulgaria, so I guess foreign to him would be domestic to us.)
Anyway, I love it. The photos have a funny way of sneaking up on you. Try to forget the context of the story and just consider each image on its own terms. Hopefully, you’ll find, as I did, that it can be a very compelling and even inspirational experience. His blog is such a great testament to the stirring power of cinema's images.
In his bio, Mr. Space wrote:
“...we know that, behind every image revealed, there is another image more faithful to reality, and in back of that image there is another, and yet another behind the last one, and so on, up to the true image of that absolute, mysterious reality that no one will ever see...”
As a taste, here are his images from The Painted Veil.
I love what you do. Thanks.

gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous... I love how these shots look not only taken individually, but how much they tell a story by their relationships... look at the use of doorways for example (which side is a character on, where is the light, where is the darkness) and how much that tells us about the relationship of the characters to one another and to their world
I'll have to check that out. Cuz you know, it's all bout the visuals for me man!!
Wow. Beautiful images. "The Painted Veil" is already in my rental queue and I can't wait to see it!
Thanks, guys.
I hadn't seen the film either, Peter, and added it to my Netflix queue. The photos are stunning, though. Really moving.
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