Script Review - Synecdoche, New York

Hey guys,
I thought I’d add to all the noise in the media this weekend about Kaufman’s new film, Synecdoche, New York, by sharing my script review, which was originally posted on May 2, 2007.
MM’s soul-searching metaphysical Synecdoche, NY, experience:
You can do this review, man. There is no script too difficult, right? You can and WILL find a way to get at the heart and soul and TRUTH of this outrageous epic of Charlie Kaufman. You love Charlie Kaufman. You can figure this out. You can find the truth through the process of writing a review. Okay, just relax. Look at it again.

Page 1. He forgot to write FADE IN, which is my favorite part of a script. But that’s okay. That’s not a bad sign. You’ll still find a way to love this. You'll get to the truth of it all. It’s Charlie Kaufman, ya know.
The opening kitchen scene is mundane to the point of being almost boring, which is surprising, disappointing, and yet confidence-building, because you know that there is a master design behind it all. I think this might be just a normal point of entry for everyone into what will be a very crazy story. There’s dual dialogue, which you don’t see often from pro writers. A radio talks about a luncheon in downtown Schnectady that I don’t think we ever see. There’s a subtle undercurrent of standard fare marital unhappiness between Caden and Adele. She talks to some woman on the phone. We see Adele wipe the bottom of their 4-year-old daughter, Olive. There are green smears on the toilet paper. Do we really see that? Ew. Caden isn’t feeling well. He seems distant from his family, lost in his own world. He cares more about his own illnesses, his career, the news he discovers about people dying than he does about the lives of the people right in front of him.

He's a director of plays and there’s a girl in the box office who wants to have an affair with him. Her name is Hazel. Later, she sees a run-over dog on the road. She actually goes to look at it more closely. It’s a bloody, gory mess. Yet, it’s barely alive. The head moves. She bends down to pet it and says “You’re not going to make it, baby.” I think perhaps, it's an overt reference to Caden himself. It’s a grotesque moment, is it not? It’s horribly ugly, but it has meaning, doesn't it? Should we condemn Charlie for many other moments like this one in the film where we are forced to view stomach-churning ugliness that has meaning? She takes it in. We later see it sleeping in a box in the corner of her apartment.

Caden takes the phrase “passive protag” to new heights. He does nothing but be so self absorbed about his problems and his illnesses and his play-directing that he neglects everyone around him. He fails to fight for the child that Adele takes away from him. He never makes decisions - he only caves in to pressure. He’ll agree to sleep with certain girls only after they practically throw themselves at him for days on end without a care in the world about the fact that he’s married and trying to be faithful. But he caves in anyway, and when the sex is over, he cries like a baby and ruins the affair. In fact, he does this on more than one occasion. Doesn’t this kind of behavior turn off audiences? Why should they care about this man who is so weak? But this pattern continues – after crying and ruining affairs, he flips emotionally and suddenly commits to the girl of the moment and begs her like a child to take him back, which they won’t do. He’s always fighting for the wrong girl and never once fights for his own daughter. By constructing a character that goes against everything every screenwriting book ever told you to do, has Kaufman done something right? Is it always necessary to love the person you’re watching in a movie? By seeing someone make all the wrong choices and lose those things that are most precious to him, do we not benefit so that we will hopefully make the right choices?

But that is only one aspect of Caden’s arc. We see him plummet into an obsession about his death, about death itself, and we also see him become enveloped by his own fears and paranoia about his health and his feces and the end of his life. The world around him slowly transforms from reality to a world of the absurd where you see people living in burning houses and other strange occurrences like that moment when the Salvation Army Santa spastically clawed at his beard and revealed a tortured blue face and then he gasped for air and died. And as the world transforms into the bizarre like a slow-moving wave, all of the imagery points to only one thing, that Caden finds himself surrounded by death and decay everywhere he turns – people are dying or committing suicide or friends of friends pass away or his own parents pass away and we see many funerals. And like a slow-moving wave, I find myself deeply saddened by it all. Why put an audience through so much sadness? Is the world so happy right now that we have to pay to be reminded of all this gloom? Is it really admirable and praiseworthy for an artist to do nothing more than to be a bit creative about shit and death? It’s not even the fact that it’s sad that bothers me but that it’s just repetitiously chronicled without any redeeming emotional lift in the end. It is like watching a man fall to his death and there’s no hope for any new development except that he continues to fall, and no ending except that he dies. Pre-destination may be useful in theology, but as a narrative strategy, it’s a bit self-defeating, isn’t it?
Yes, Caden reacts to this and does something about it. We find that he’s a theatre director who had put on a strange play that became a megahit. He’s given a genius grant and he decides that he should write one final play that’s big and true and tough. And he puts his own screwed up life into the story and tries to find truth through that process and put that truth into his art. He has an actor play him and other actors play the women he screwed and there is some whimsical confusion about art imitating life imitating art imitating life.

And none of it satisfies me because it comes across as not redeeming (in the sense of the redemptive power of film art) but as self-absorbed, self-congratulatory, self-promoting, and I really hate to say it, but vain in an even more perverse way than when he literally put himself into in the movie Adaptation. Didn’t he already cover the “creative process” in Adaptation? Why do we have to go through this again? And is this really the best approach to Caden’s story? Instead of him channeling all of his anguish and self absorbed problems into a play, shouldn’t he be actively trying to fix the problems in his life? Isn’t that where we find truth about life in films? When the Greeks put on tragedies, was it always their solution to escape into art and put on more plays? I mean, come on, Charlie. I love you, but tell me - is this really about story and characters and themes or is this about Charlie Kaufman showing the world how brilliant Charlie Kaufman can be? Or is this simply about Charlie Kaufman struggling to be inventive and original and so he finds himself forced to go to peculiar extremes to outdo Charlie Kaufman?
God, ya know, I feel like I’m almost there. I think I’m getting closer to the truth. Yet, I still can’t put my finger on it. I don’t know how to convey this core truth in the review. I just have to keep writing. Let me ask this question - how is it that this story went from real to the bizarre? At some point, in the 120s or 130s, the novelty of the concept wore off and I was just waiting for the ending and the answer to what was really going on, which I never got. I think I have an idea. I think, perhaps, in Kaufman’s mind, Caden is a man already dead, a man living in a half-world between stasis and anti-stasis and he’s just trying to make sense of his life, which saddens me all the more, because Caden's view is on the one hand entirely selfish and on the other, when he finally looks outside of himself, he ONLY sees a world that's full of death and ugliness and his solution is to crawl into his artwork.
But you know, even that answer doesn’t fully satisfy me. I have to get to the core truth of this story…
Oh my God...
I see it now.
I know what to write. It’s
I agree with you. The whole movie came off as a (barely successful) attempt by Kaufman to outdo himself. It had moments of pure genius...bits of dialogue, scraps of subtext, and that ultimately convinced me it was a great film.
Like you, I didn't think it was a great story, though. It was also a weirdly pessimistic film towards the idea that there is a redeeming value in telling stories. The whole Greek thing...and it's like the only reason to make art, according to Adele and Caden, is to become famous or to deal with a Very Important Theme.
Without psychoanalyzing the guy, I just wanna say that I kind of feel bad for him. He has struggled through the lower depths of his own creative demons on screen and had seemingly overcome them in "Adaptation." But here, in "Synechdoche," he's more pessimistic, more self-involved and forgets about the audience entirely for long stretches at a time. Like the miniature paintings Adele paints, the film becomes more and more personal, introspective, and vacant. Like you said, maybe he's working on a higher level, trying to outdo himself, maybe creating a Platonic objet d'art...but I really want the old Kaufman back.
At least, I hope that he doesn't direct his next film. When he had to work with a director, his films just resonated with me more directly, at an emotional level.
Hey Spock,
Thanks SO much for those thoughts and comments! Maybe I'm not so off-base then. I've been toying with that idea (based upon reading this script) that great artists shouldn't be so self-involved at least to this degree. I fear HW has cultivated this environment where it's acceptable and encouraged for artists to be incredibly self-involved, and I can't help but wonder if a sign of growth of a great artist is the ability to look beyond yourself and study the world.
Get out of the house every once in a while, ya know?
Thanks again,
I skimmed through this as to not spoil it for myself, but is it possible that the draft you're reading was Kaufman's when he realised HE would direct? Or maybe that he knew he'd talk it over with Spike Jonze during pre-production and they'd nail the film then? I do that a lot - write down a script that doesn't make much sense to anyone but me because I direct it; I usually need to rewrite, removing directions and adding others and leaving it to the actors to (hopefully do their jobs) when I hand out the script to other people. I'm crazy.
That having been said, mind if I send you a script for a short movie MM? I'll try to make it stimulate, in your mind, how I'd shoot it behind the camera (kind of like Kubrick!).
Can I get a copy of the script?
Thank you for all the feedback!
All my best,
Crumbs - Sure, send it over! (see email address below).
Erin - I can't find your e-mail address. Send me an email:
Anyone with a copy of this script, that would be willing to share; please send it my way as well.
I don't think it's really about the artistic process much at all; that's more of a framing mechanism for Caden to stand outside his life at a self-pitying ninety-degree angle. As Roger Ebert puts it in his review, " 'Synecdoche, New York' is not a film about the theater, although it looks like one. A theater director is an ideal character for representing the role Kaufman thinks we all play."
I think the movie as a whole is about the commonality of suffering; that we're all slowly dying, but it's okay because we are ALL slowly dying.
That whole end monologue by Millicent, while Caden walks the empty streets, pretty much sums it up. "You realize you are not special. You have struggled into existence and are now slipping silently out of it. This is everyone's experience. Every, single, one. The specifics hardly matter; everyone is everyone. So you are Adele, Claire. Hazel, Olive; you are Ellen. All her meager sadnesses are yours."
That's sort of backed up by his foray playing Ellen within the warehouse, and Millicent's becoming the temporary center of attention as the director, philosophizing about her life, etc. It's like the main character has become the most obscure extra, and the most obscure extra becomes the main character, to prove that they're all the same, suffering creature.
We all get to share our experience of slowly decaying, which Caden realizes the beauty in at the last possible moment of the film. But before he has time to act on it, he dies: bittersweet irony and exactly the point.
Brandon - those are great comments and probably the first thoughts I've heard that actually compels me to see the film. I felt such a disgust after reading the script, so dirty, so depressed by it, that I just haven't quite been able to go to the trouble to see the film. Until now. Thank you.
It definitely improves with repeat viewings. There are a lot of little things that just fly by you the first time through (Caden in the Little Winky poster, Olive's Diary that just keeps going throughout the years, various appearances of Sammy in the first half of the movie). It's like every single minor background object in every scene is connected to something else in some inexplicable way.
In a lot of ways, watching this movie is a lot like watching an adaptation of a really dense novel, but word-for-word, page-by-page, without anyone having remembered to ratchet things a bit tighter for the screenplay. Which, whether or not it's your cup of tea, is at least a nice change of pace. I'd rather a film too dense than too shallow, anyway.
Please do see it. And then tell us what you thought, because I liked the movie and to read your film review compared to the script review, would be enlightening.
I actually teared up at the end. I was moved.
Hey, I was wondering if I could get a copy f the script as well? I saw the moviea couple weeks ago & although I wasn't too impressed at first, it makes more sense as you let it all soak in. There are definitely a few its of dialogue that truly touched me. Here's my email:
If you still haven't seen it, I definitely recommend it.
The first time I saw the film it was confusing, dreamlike and odd. I liked some of it, other parts I thought were self indulgent, other parts I hated.
But on second viewing I was floored. Just devestated. I've never had an experience like this with a film, It was like I was having a conversation with someone and they were second guessing everything I was thinking.
All the details started to make sense, and weirdly as I was thinking about the film, it was commenting on these revalations as they popped into my head.
It's like Kaufman has written the film exclsuively for repeat viewings. The humour, passion and sadness comes across much more strongly.
The closet comparison I can think of in movie terms is 8 1/2. The closest in feeling is Dark Side of the Moon. I believe it's a masterpiece.
I would be interested in your thoughts comparing this to Eyes Wide Shut if you eventually watch it. I found several similarities - not only in the fake set of NY - but the opening, the pathetic hero, multiple women and dreamlike structure.
Thanks for that. This is high in my NetFlix queue, so I'll see it soon. I feel quite conflicted, actually. Will definitely blog about it.
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