Gimme Some Link Love, Baby!

Hey guys,
I just have to share these fabulous links. Some days, I do feel overwhelmed by the amount of information the world puts out there. There just isn’t enough hours in the day to enjoy it all...
First, photo essays of Charlie Chaplin put together by Stephen M. Weissman, author of Chaplin: A Life.
Watch the short film Glory at Sea for free. It’s available for only six weeks. Michael Tully writes, “Glory at Sea was the only short film to make it into Hammer to Nail's Top 13 of 2008. When you watch it, you'll see why. At only twenty-five minutes, it has the sweep and gravity of a feature. It is the closest to God I have come in quite some time. Turn down the lights, turn up the volume, and enjoy...”
Mark Kermode’s Top Ten Reasons to Love Mary Poppins. (I’ll give you my personal reason – no character arc. Hehehe….)
I’ll let them say it for me: "The Britannica Blog is proud to announce that, the 'underground video artists network,' will be highlighting here one film each week from its outstanding collection of contemporary short videos by current filmmakers and artists."
So check this out. Interview Magazine just relaunched its website, and it looks fabulous! Consider all of this free content:

Spike Lee interviews Martin Scorsese.
David Cronenberg talks with Charlie Kaufman.
Brigitte Lacombe talks with Christopher Doyle and Wong Kar-wai.
Thurston Moore talks with Spike Jonze (and by the way, the Playlist has word that Jonze is not only still hard at work on his adaptation of Where the Wild Things Are but also on a documentary about Maurice Sendak).
Armistead Maupin meets Gus Van Sant, who chats with James Franco.
Eddie Vedder talks with Josh Brolin.
David Colman talks with cinematographer Harris Savides, as well as fashion designer Francisco Costa, Eva Mendes and Jeff Koons.
Glenn O'Brien talks with Richard Prince, James Nares, Lord Whimsy, Mike Kelley, Yasmine Chatila and David Byrne.
Kaleem Aftab interviews Eva Green, Clementine Poidatz, Nicolas Duvachelle, Mia Wasikowska, Ben Barnes and Cam Gigandet.
There are blogs, including one devoted to film, a calendar, lots of online viewing and that's just scratching the surface.
Oh, and 14 artists remember Andy Warhol.
Have fun.
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