Create a Character Weekend!
This comes to us from the wonderful world of Todd White. I just love his character portraits. He calls this one the "Cabernet Firecracker."
Screenwriting news and in-depth analysis from a devoted, yet mysterious, student of the craft.
Posted by
Mystery Man
3:00 AM
In a fantasy, that's me. Talented, smart, shapely and beautiful - not just smart. ;-)
Despite her debilitating scoliosis, Sandra always knew how to look good at a party.
Jessica Rabbit's evil twin, or should I say eviler twin, was always happy to slip Mickey a fin. That's why Mikey "Five Bucks" was always so popular at the skee ball alleys.
This evilerest twin, Rosmary N. Time, has a brittle figure with an edge and two dimensions that'll knock your socks of as soon as infect your bladder. While she waits for her half-empty glass to be half-re-filled, she has but one thought on her mind, "Trial and error works for cooks but not so much for skydivers."
Dammit, Bob got there first. But still...
Sasha tried to hide her panic as she realized that maybe she was working out too much. At some time since her last missed meal, she had begun to feel the base of her spine through her belly button.
Carol keeps the picture to remind herself of her younger days. Forty-five years ago she was the toast of the town. Men wanted her, women wanted to be her, and everybody, everywhere, plied her with wine.
But wine gave way to mixed drinks: the kind with the little umbrellas and pieces of fruit on toothpicks. And then mixed drinks gave way to straight rum, or vodka, or whatever the bartender was serving that night.
Liver failure, her doctor said. Osteoporosis he said. It was just fancy words. The reality was a walker and hands that were never warm, even in the summer. Just making it to the bathroom in time was an adventure.
The lights and the dancing are only memories for Carol now. But she still has young men doting in her. These days they wear white coats and have stethascopes around their necks, but they do dote on her.
Oh how they dote.
Hey! What are you doing with a drawing of my girlfriend?
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